
Video QR Codes: Why They Are A Must For Your Marketing


QRStuff Admin

Generating leads can be challenging for businesses large and small. While social media, SEO, and inbound marketing are a big step forward for businesses, Video QR Codes take the lead generation process to a new level. If you’ve never heard of video QR codes before, we'll be explaining everything you need to know. 

What are Video QR Codes?

Video QR Codes -- or vQRs -- can be defined as a QR Code that contains a video in the form of a link. When scanned, these codes play the video on the mobile device. Video QR codes are a powerful tool for marketers as they allow them to engage with customers in a new way. While most QR codes are static and simply link to web pages, video QR codes are interactive and can include everything from video clips to sound effects and a variety of text options. Video QR codes can be used in several ways including:
  • Advertising – A fun, engaging video clip helps increase the number of people who view your advertisement. A video QR code can also be used in conjunction with your website address to further increase traffic. 
  • Marketing – Businesses who sell products or services can use video QR codes to help advertise their business. The video shows viewers what the business has to offer, as well as its location and contact details. 
  • Customer retention – Videos can be used for training purposes, or for customers to view product demonstrations. They are also a great way for businesses to show off their product range and demonstrate how the products work best.

Why Use Video QR Codes? 

Video QR codes are a great way to engage and increase sales. Video QR codes are one of the most innovative marketing strategies that businesses can use today, and they're quickly becoming popular with companies all across the globe. Why? Because video QR codes are perhaps the most powerful tool that marketers have at their disposal in increasing sales and brand recognition. Here are some examples of how video QR codes can help your business succeed: Video QR Codes Increase Brand Awareness: One of the best ways to increase brand awareness is by getting your business' logo, slogan, or tagline out there—and what better place to do so than on your business card? A video QR code can be used to create a custom business card that helps potential customers remember your company's name and slogan. Video QR Codes Enhance Customer Loyalty: Keeping your customers happy is incredibly important for any successful business. Your customers want to feel as if you truly appreciate their loyalty, which is exactly why a customized video message from you is a great way to show them how much you care about their business. Promotion: When you have a sale, you can direct your customers to a video that shows them how to get the most out of their purchase. You can also make a short video about the history of your company and its products.

Tips on Using Video QR codes for Business

Trying to generate leads or sales directly from your website can be difficult. It's hard to get people to visit the page and once they are there, it can be hard to get them to take action. However, some marketers have found that using video QR codes can make it easy for you to capture leads and conversions directly from your website. Here are some tips for using video QR codes: 1) Make sure you're generating high-quality videos on your site. This means that you should use a high-definition camera with professional lighting. You can use a green screen if you want the subjects in your videos to appear sitting at their desk or against some other background. 2) Use the best possible equipment. If you're filming on your smartphone, make sure the camera is set up correctly and that you have good lighting conditions. Also, make sure that you're recording in landscape mode so that it's easier for someone using their smartphone to watch your video.  3) Always use a well-written script. A well-written script makes sure that the audience's attention is held throughout and that they understand what you want them to know. It also ensures that the video reaches its objective of creating a positive impact on the audience. An unclear or poorly written script can destroy any chances of success your video has and could end up as an annoying or boring.

How to Create Video QR Codes?

There are two ways to create a video QR code, and we're going to show you how to create them using our QR code generator: 
  1. First, go to and have the “YouTube” data type pre-selected from the Data Type video data type
  2. In the content section, upload your video in the required field. content for video QR code
  3. Wait for the QR code generator to finish processing. Then, save your QR code. download video QR code
Note: If you choose this method, your video will be uploaded to our database. Also, you can only upload videos in MOV, MP4, and WEBM format. 

How to Generate YouTube Video QR codes?

If you want to link a longer video, then you need to upload it to YouTube. 
  1. After uploading your video to YouTube, Go to our online QR generator page and select YouTube as the data type in the first section. First, go to and have the “YouTube” data type pre-selected from the Data Type section. youtube data type
  2. In the content section, paste the YouTube URL of your video in the required field. content for Youtube QR code
  3. Wait for the QR code generator to finish processing. Then, save your QR code. download YouTube QR code

Make it a Bit Fancy colored QR codePaid QR Stuff subscribers have access to more features and options for their QR code, including the Style section. This function allows you to change the layout and color of the QR code’s different corners. A logo can also be included as part of the QR code. The image on the right shows how your QR code may look after you’ve styled it with various colors. Just make sure you test your QR code before using it. Paid users can also choose the size, quality, file format, and amount of error correction of the QR code style your QR code Video QR codes are undoubtedly a blessing for businesses and marketers that are looking to boost the outreach of their brand and advertise their products. Using a video QR code makes it easier for even non-tech people to access information about a brand, increase brand recall and maximize engagement on social media platforms. It is also quite easy to create a video QR code because there are apps that can help you create it in no time. If you have more questions, feel free to send us a message. 

Subscribers Get More QR Stuff!

Become a QR Stuff paid subscriber and get unlimited QR codes, unlimited scans, analytics reporting, editable dynamic QR codes, high resolution, and vector QR code images, batch processingpassword-protected QR codesQR code stylingQR code pausing and scheduling, and more, for one low subscription fee. Full subscriptions start from just $11.95 for a 1-month subscription (lower monthly rates for longer periods). Subscribe now. subscribe

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